
Stanley FatMax Automatic Wire Stripper: Features & Feedback

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**Advantages of Stanley FatMax Automatic Wire Stripper:**
– Strips 10-22 AWG wire efficiently.
– Comes with spring-loaded handles for ease of use.
– Comfortable grip ensures comfortable prolonged use.
– Adjustable settings for different wire sizes.

Disadvantages of Stanley FatMax Automatic Wire Stripper:

Might not be suitable for wires outside the 10-22 AWG range.
Potential wear and tear with excessive use.
Needs regular maintenance to ensure smooth functioning.

Problems and Solutions:

Problem: Inconsistent stripping of thinner wires.
Solution: Adjust the settings and ensure the wire is correctly positioned before stripping.

Problem: Handles may get jammed if not used correctly.
Solution: Ensure the handles are free from debris and obstructions; lightly oil if necessary.

Problem: Difficulty in adjusting the settings for different wire sizes.
Solution: Refer to the user manual for guidance; ensure the adjustment knob or mechanism is free from debris.

Note: Always ensure the wire stripper is clean and free from obstructions for optimal performance.